Expounding the danger of Dankwambo, Nafada script in Gombe - kubwatv

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Expounding the danger of Dankwambo, Nafada script in Gombe

AS an American magazine editor, Wilson Tozer, puts it “of all forms of deception, self-deception is the deadliest and of all deceived persons the self-deceived are the least likely to discover the fraud” or perhaps pretend not to have discovered the truth so as to drag other people into their deception. The use of public office to tell lies or deny the hard obvious truth is nothing but a representation of the era of poor leadership or better yet an error of public service as demonstrated by the naivety of those whose zeal to defend the undemocratic acts of Gov. Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo and his partner in political unjustness puts paid to the saying that ”it is he who pays the piper that dictates the tune.” The level of ignorance or pretence showcased by paid associates of Gov. Dankwambo and Senator Nafada who think the truth would never come out has made them a more worrisome threat to the entrenchment of democratic norms in Gombe State in regard to the altruism shared by all well-meaning democrats that democracy thrives best on truth and justice in the pursuit of the voice of the majority. In view of the publication by supposed press man of Gov. Dankwambo or should I say ‘please’ man; or better say self-deception acclaimed spokesman, because I cannot remember when Dankwambo appointed Junaidu to be his spokesperson. I like to challenge Mr. Junaidu’s sheer ignorance of the personality of Dr. Jamilu Isyaku Gwamna (JIG).
For Junaidu who gave an erroneous account of JIG’s personality with the piece: ‘Misconceiving Dankwambo, Nafada’s importance in Gombe’, let me start by saying that it is easier for a sincere man to change his feelings than to align himself with a congregation of idea-blind, politically corrupt, justice and truth bankrupt beings that pride themselves on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Gombe State. According to him, JIG is a man whose feelings change with time for just no cause. Let me quickly ask, can a man’s feeling change without a cause? Why didn’t the same feelings change before the PDP hoax they called election? Well the legendary Bob Marley may be correct in his own perception and context to which the excerpt read. Notwithstanding, time may not change a sincere leader’s heart but injustice and political deceits can change a million feelings in no time. Hence, as for JIG his feelings only changed when the PDP tip-toed into a party where the emblem of justice and truth is de-emphasised.
If Gov. Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo, whose feelings you have rightly said had remained the same with time justifies good governance, I vehemently disagree. Well, that probably gives a clue as to why Gombe State has remained the same within the last seven years without any revolution in infrastructure, a revamp of the agricultural sector and total collapse of the state structures that were bequeathed to him by our symbol of good governance, Senator Danjuma Goje. The structures that made Gombe State a true jewel in the savannah have been in comatose for years since the governor’s ill-feelings of good governance and issues that concern his people had remained unchanged with time while meaningful developments had eluded our state. Little wonder, the N4 billion naira Gombe conference centre had remained the same without use or has it become a beautifying monument of no returns on investments. N4 billion in any account foreign or local would yield awesome and jaw-dropping interests in one year not to talk of the years that the misplaced priority has been sitting there. It was also reported sometimes in June that over N4.4 billion hospital equipment and consumables lay waste at Gombe State Medical Store for over four years while many inherited General and Cottage hospitals, primary health and other health centres were in need of these facilities. This government has proven to be more efficient in wasting the resources of the good people of the state than providing purposeful vision as well as the need-of-the-people oriented projects. The big question is why? In attempt to defend his boss, the aggrieved writer alludes that the governor has done well by paying salaries and I asked when have salaries payment become a manifesto or should the workers not get what they deserved having worked to earn their pay or is the money not the resource of the state? Why then has the governor refused to pay the pensioners for years or is that not worth mentioning too?
Let me take some time to respond to the questions the writer of ”Misconceiving Dankwambo, Nafada’s importance in Gombe” asked as I hope he would in good faith answer mine in his subsequent publications. Asking of the prominent politicians that decamped with JIG, I will say that that’s what makes JIG a unique personality. He stands for the truth and follows it even when it seems he will end up being the lone voice of the voiceless PDP members. Do you know the number of top PDP chieftains who called JIG to commend his courage to challenge the injustice done to some members of the party? If you do your findings right, you will shockingly discover that most of the PDP members are nothing but APC hearts and voters. This should be the concern of those who hope to pass the baton of leadership. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to hide the truth that keeps re-surfacing with time. As for the numbers of followers that JIG decamped with, I will crave your indulgence to wait till the campaigns when the waves of unified APC supporters will echo the statistics of JIG’s supporters who decamped with him to those who are asking through the writer.
As regards to JIG not consulting any stakeholder or PDP chieftain before he decamped to APC, I like to say it was part of the scripted plans of Gov. Dankwambo and Senator Nafada that JIG would come for consultation and he would be persuaded to stay so they could leverage on his supporters to win the elections. All these are what JIG is well abreast of because there are chieftains who leaked some of their plans and today JIG is being crucified in the media as the expression of the PDP political pains and loss of JIG’s unstoppable move to the APC which has become already spilt milk for the PDP. The question of if JIG has the grassroots political structure, well it will mean nothing if I answer you because nothing truly can convince a man like you who doesn’t want to listen or should I say blind to the truth of the reality of modern political trends and the rhythm of the political beats that those in the rural areas are dancing to.
Alhaji Inuwa Yahaya and Alhaji Jamil Isyaku Gwamna are businessmen of impeccable characters who have never used government money for political gains of any sorts. If JIG was a power-monger, he would have gone to pick up the gubernatorial ticket of any political party available but he chose to align his vision to where he knows that the people of Gombe would fare better: APC.
Referring to JIG as a no mate for politicians of Gov. Ibrahim Dankwambo and Nafada’s likes, I like to state that such reasoning reiterates the naivety of those who have been contracted to defend the interest of the governor.
I give it out as a challenge for anyone who cares to verify with a view to fore-telling the catastrophe of a leader that the PDP wants to impose on the good people of Gombe State. I ask, what are the contributions of Senator Nafada in the hallow chamber? There is no single bill or motion he has put forward that scaled through ascent. As an advice to the good people of Gombe State, kindly look before you leap in 2019.

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