5 Refreshing Fruit Juices You Can Make At Home With Your Blender - kubwatv

5 Refreshing Fruit Juices You Can Make At Home With Your Blender

Fruit juice is a refreshing drink that almost every one loves. It is a delicious item that is most likely in your fridge right now. However, it might not always be the most pocket-friendly move to keep buying fruit juices when you can make it at home.
Most times, we do not think about making certain beverages or snacks ourselves because it seems like the hassle will be too much, but that is not always the case.
There are some utensils you would need when making fruit juices with your blender and they include:
  • A sieve
  • A bowl
  • A small and large knife
  • A funnel (optional)
  • A jug
Here are five juices you can make at home with your blender.

1. Watermelon juice

To make watermelon juice, you would have to remove all the seeds of the watermelon. Do this by cutting the watermelon into small shapes first and then, toss the watermelon into the blender and blend.
For a tangy kick, you can squeeze half a lemon or lime into the juice and blend. Do not forget to remove the seeds too. For every half watermelon, add 25cl of water.
If you are not okay with the consistency of the juice, you can use a net sieve to sieve the pulp.
You can serve it with ice or store in a glass jug in your fridge.

2. Mango juice

To make watermelon juice, you would have to remove all the seeds of the watermelon. Do this by cutting the watermelon into small shapes first and then, toss the watermelon into the blender and blend.
For a tangy kick, you can squeeze half a lemon or lime into the juice and blend. Do not forget to remove the seeds too. For every half watermelon, add 25cl of water.
If you are not okay with the consistency of the juice, you can use a net sieve to sieve the pulp.
You can serve it with ice or store in a glass jug in your fridge.

Mango juice is more delicious when you use juicy mangoes. It is one of the easiest juices to make because you do not need to keep removing tiny seeds. To make, start by cutting up your mangoes, down to the seed. This might get a little messy if your mangoes are too soft.
Remove the skin of the mango and toss the yellowy insides into the blender and blend it. For every five mangoes, add 25cl of water. If you want to make it even creamier, add two medium sized bananas per every 5 mangoes.

3. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is also another delicious juice you can make. To make pineapple juice, peel of the back of the pineapple and make sure you remove all the brown little things on the pineapple.
Cut the pineapple into little cubes and blend it. Add half a lime if you feel like your pineapple is too sweet, or add ginger to give it a spicy kick.
For half a pineapple, add 25cl of water. If you do not like the consistency after blending, sieve the juice before serving.

4. Apple Juice

This is a personal favourite of many people. Apple juice is healthy and delicious and honestly quite easy to make. To make apple juice, you can use both the green or red apple or you can even use both.
Cut up the apples and remove the seeds that are at the centre. You can also peel off the back of the apples if you want to go the extra mile. Cut the apples and put them in the blender. For every three apples, add 25cl of water. If you put too much water, you can make it sweet by adding two teaspoons of honey.
Sieve the apple bits and store the remaining juice in a glass jug.

5. Grape Juice

This juice is so delicious and easy to make. The taste of chilled grape juice on a hot day is one of the most refreshing things ever. To make grape juice, you would need to take the grapes off the stem and remove the little seeds in it using a small knife with a pointed top.
Blend the grapes and for every 20 grapes, add 15cl of water and blend. You can squeeze half a lime but it is just fine on its own.

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