7 Illnesses You Probably Didn’t Know Sex Could Cure - kubwatv

7 Illnesses You Probably Didn’t Know Sex Could Cure

You and your partner have sex, and you may enjoy every bit of it. Little did you know that it cures some never ending illnesses in your body.
If you feel insecure about having sex with your partner regularly, that should stop now.
Sex unites you and your partner, and you both feel great while making love to each other.
Here are some illnesses that sex cures:

1. Migraines

Many people have given testimonies to how sex has cured their headaches, especially after using painkillers.
There are some headaches that just continue, and you wonder what’s wrong with you.
Sex can cure these headaches and make you feel better and lightheaded.

2. Depression

When you are having a tough time and going through depression, your antidepressants are not the only things that can help you.
You should value your sex life as it would help you treat depression. It calms your nerves and helps you think straight.

3. Stress

Stress is not just an illness; it’s the initiator of many illnesses.
When you’ve had a really stressful day, sex helps keep you keep calm and relieves you of stress.
Also, you would have less chances of developing any sickness that stress can cause.

4. Arthritis

When you have sex, it is similar to doing exercise. This helps to relieve you of joint pains as the pleasure also comes in from there.

5. Heart Attack

Of course, sex makes you feel good and relaxed. This is the only way a person can be cured of heart attack apart from medications.
Doctors recommend that a person should keep calm to avoid heart attacks. Sex is one solution for that.

6. Common Cold

Another illness sex can cure is common cold.
If you sneeze or cough, as soon as you start to have sex, the sneezing would pause. Also, when your nose is blocked, as soon as you have sex, the mucus begins to melt.
Sex helps you get relieved of common cold.

7. Burns Excess Calories

If you’re worried about the excess calories in your body, sex can help prevent it.
This is also because of the actions you both perform on the bed.

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