Having Sex During Pregnancy Is Good For Your Health And These 7 Reasons Are Proof - kubwatv

Having Sex During Pregnancy Is Good For Your Health And These 7 Reasons Are Proof

As a mother, you probably thought having sex during your pregnancy was dangerous to your baby’s health?
You are not alone especially with the numerous mood swings and body change that pregnancy brings. Most women feel its unsafe to engage in sexual activities.
However, indulging in sex during pregnancy is absolutely safe especially in your last trimester, and there are actually several benefits associated with it
Here are some of them.

1.It Induces Labour And Easy Delivery

This can best be known as the most important reason as it’s every woman’s desire to have an easy delivery.
Having an orgasm spurs your uterus to contract therefore regular sex during pregnancy helps to contract the pelvic muscles and open the cervix. This helps in a normal delivery as the process of labour becomes easier and does not need any external help to bring the baby out.
Some doctors even suggest having sex closer to your due date to induce labour.

2.It reduces the risk of preeclampsia and high bloodpressure

Having a healthy blood pressure is always a good thing. But it’s especially important when you have a baby on board, since high blood pressure is linked to the pregnancy complication preeclampsia.

3. It improves the connection with your partner

Having frequent sex now will help strengthen the intimate relationship and bond you have with your partner and establish a healthy habit for the future.
It’s important to connect with your partner now while you have time because you’re going to need that connection once the baby is born.

4. It reduces stress and pain

Image result for black pregnant woman in labor

Although pregnancy is usually a happy time, it’s normal to worry about things like work and how your life will change after your baby is born. Oxytocin, the love hormone that your body releases when you have an orgasm, can help to negate some of that stress and also help you sleep better.

5. It promotes fewer Bathroom Leaks and Better Bladder Control

You may find yourself visiting the bathroom frequently or experience slight incontinence when you laugh or sneeze. Sex helps to contract the muscles and make them strong thereby helping to regulate the flow of urine.

6. It Speeds up Post-Partum Recovery

Orgasms during sex during pregnancy prepare the pelvic muscles for birth which in turn speeds up postpartum recovery.

7. It aids Circulation in the Body

Blood supply doubles up during pregnancy to meet the requirements of the mother and child. Increased circulation is one of the importance of sex during pregnancy period.
With the release of hormones, sex restores the adequate supply of oxygen and nutrition to the foetus to aid growth and development.

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