Here Are 7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Fluted Pumpkin Leaves (Ugu) That Will Make You Eat It More - kubwatv

Here Are 7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Fluted Pumpkin Leaves (Ugu) That Will Make You Eat It More

Fluted pumpkin leaves popularly known as Ugu is widely eaten in Nigeria and used to cook several kinds of soup.
The dark green leafy vegetable is so versatile and can be recognised to cure some not just hunger but also some illness.
Ugwu contains several vitamins that are beneficial to health. This post will show you some of the amazing benefits of this leaf.

1.Treats Convulsion

Alternative medicine for convulsion is pumpkin leaves. The young leaves sliced and mixed with coconut water and salt are stored in a bottle and used for the treatment of convulsion in ethnomedicine.

2.Maintains Body Tissues

The vitamin contents present in this vegetable helps in maintaining tissues, cells, membrane as well as maintaining the skin and treating of wounds in the case of vitamin C.
The protein in fluted pumpkin leaves also helps in the improvement and maintenance of the body tissues which includes the connective tissues, muscles and the nervous systems.

3.Treats Diabetes

It has an anti-diabetic effect which means that it has the ability to treat diabetes mellitus by reducing the level of glucose in the blood.
This is made possible due to the content of polysaccharides and ethyl acetate which have been effective in lowering the blood sugar level. They are also effective in promoting glucose tolerance as well as the levels of serum insulin.

4.Improves Blood Production

Fluted pumpkin leaves are always recommended for patients who suffer from a shortage of blood due to the effect of certain illnesses; the presence of iron and other important minerals in it contribute in the boosting of blood in the body system and prevent anaemia.
For the effectiveness of helping boost blood production, ugu is recommended to be pounded, then strain the mashed vegetable to collect the liquid/juice. Most times milk is also added to the juice before drinking.

5.Effective For Weight Loss

Foods that help in weight loss are recommended for its effectiveness in weight management. Vegetables such a fluted pumpkin leaves (ugu) contain a high amount of dietary fibre which can help you lose weight as it makes one fuller and lowers their appetite.
In as much as calories are good for the body which helps provide energy, if they are not totally utilized can start accumulating in the body thereby leading to weight gain.

6.Promotes Strong Bones

Ugu contains a good amount of calcium that the body needs for maintaining healthy bones and teeth also keep the skeletal systems in normal functioning conditions.
It also contains magnesium which plays a vital role in making the bone firm and strong, it might be surprising to say that without magnesium, calcium is almost ineffective to bones as it helps the adequate absorption of calcium by the bones.

7.Improves Memory

Ugu contains certain compounds which help to improve memory. It also contains vital nutrients such as vitamins and magnesium which aid in the improvement and normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.
This can help in improving cognitive reasoning, memory loss (Dementia) and other health conditions associated with memory health such as Alzheimer’s disease.

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