Daddy Freeze drags Pastor Ashimolowo into fake resurrection video
The controversial Nigerian media personality, popularly known as ‘Daddy Freeze’, has shared a video of KICC Pastor, Matthew Ashimolowo publicly endorsing the shamed ‘resurrection pastor’ Alph Lukau during a visit to his ministry in South Africa in October 2018.
Lukau has been in the news this week, accused of ‘faking’ a miracle which involved a young Zimbabwean man being allegedly resurrected from the dead in his church.
The video of the supposed resurrection went viral, resulting in widespread condemnation of Lukau and his antics, even from South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa, who decried the rise of ‘bogus religious leaders’ in his nation.
Social media mocked the event with various users seeing its comedic value by recreating pictures and videos of the alleged miracle with the slogan #ResurrectionChallenge.
In the video shared in Freeze’s Instagram and Twitter accounts, Ashimolowo can be heard praising Lukau to rapturous applause from congregants.
“I am here because God told me to come,” he told the congregation at Alleluia Ministries International in Johannesburg, South Africa.“God told me the man in the house (Lukau) is truly a man after His heart – and I want you to know you are in the right house,” he proceeded, adding that God told him the Congolese pastor’s ministry would experience breakthrough.
Followers of Freeze were abrupt in their criticism of both Ashimolowo and Lukau.
“Shame has left these pulpit bandits,” wrote one incensed reader.
“Their empires are collapsing and it will be so quick and mighty in falling. They simply don’t know God and are merely using Christ’s name to swindle the people. Sad!” He added.
Pastor Lukau has not been seen publicly since the controversial incident, although he granted a radio interview in which he backtracked on the claim he raised the man from the dead, insisting the man was already alive when he arrived on the scene.
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