8 Personal Items Ladies Should Never Share With Anyone

It’s great to share, and ‘there’s love in sharing’, just like we’ve always heard. However, not everything you use should be shared with someone else.
Even if you have the same DNA with the other person, there are certain things you can’t share. Obviously, items like underwear or toothbrush shouldn’t be shared, but there are still some items you need to take note of.
Here are the items you shouldn’t share with anyone:
1. Water bottle

You can never really tell if someone has tuberculosis, so it’s not advisable for you to share a water bottle with someone.
Apart from TB, it’s not healthy to use what someone else has already placed their mouth on.
2. Earpiece
Everyone has ear wax, and it’s not certain who has an ear infection or not. Some people even have chronic ear infections that they don’t detect on time.
If you share an earpiece with them, you may contact it or develop an infection yourself even if the other person doesn’t have it.
3. Bathing soap or sponge

Bacteria spreads from body to body, even though you’re using an anti-bacterial soap. Worse comes when you share a beauty soap that doesn’t have anti-bacterial properties.
4. Towel
You should never share a towel with anyone. Your bodies are different, so you don’t want to contact any germs.
5. Deodorant stick (or roll-on)
This is a no-no! Your deodorant should always be for personal use. Never let what you use on your armpit go to another’s.It’s dangerous for your hygiene and theirs.
6. Nail clippers
Germs travel from hand to hand, so why share nail clippers? If you keep washing your hand after shaking hands, then you really shouldn’t consider sharing a clipper. It’s the same after all.
7. Razors (or Blade)
You don’t want to contact HIV, do you? Like we’ve always heard, sharing sharp objects can increase the risk of HIV, especially if the sharp object isn’t sterilized.
8. Makeup

You’ll start to have acne when you share makeup. One makeup, one user.
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