INEC commends Muslim congress on voters’ sensitisation
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has hailed the leaders of The Muslim Congress (TMC) for sensitising its members for the forthcoming general elections.
The electoral body gave the commendation during a Political Discourse jointly organised by TMC and Centre for Global Peace initiative (CGPI) on Sunday in Lagos
INEC Desk Officer in charge of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) Mr Luka Buba expressed joy at the massive turn-out for the programme.
Buba said: “I have attended series of sensitisation programmes organised by different Muslim organisations and mosques, the turn out here today was massive. I am really impressed.
“Not only did the men come out, their wives and other Muslim women also attended in their numbers. This is what INEC wants and the bodies (TMC and CGPI) should be commended.’’
He urged the gathering to play active roles in ensuring that their votes count.
According to him, the first step to take was to collect their Permanent Voters Card (PVC) which is the only instrument through which they can elect their leaders for the next four years.
Luka enjoined those that have registered but are yet to collect their PCV to do so.
TMC Amir (President) Dr Luqman AbdurRaheem, said the programme was put together to sensitive people about their civic responsibility as citizens, educate them on the voting process and to highlight the attributes expected to observe in those vying for public offices.
The Associate Professor at American University of Nigeria (AUN) in Yola said good governance could only be realistic when leadership emerge through general consensus.
“Every effort must be geared towards enlightening the public on active participation in election process. We are focusing on this because it is very important in our religion. When you cast your votes, it means you are bearing testimony and that testimony will be held against you on the day of judgement. So, as responsible Muslim organisation, we need to tell the electorate to think through the voting process before casting their votes,” he said
AbdurRaheem stressed that in Islamic jurisprudence; the process of electing leaders come with some qualities and characteristics which electorate must look out for.
These, he said, include faithfulness, integrity, prudence, accountability among others.
Secretary of the Muslim Community of Oyo State Ustadh Ismail Busary, urged the participants to elect God-fearing leaders who will deliver good governance and ensure peaceful society.
Busary admitted that not all the contestants have the qualities of good leadership.
“Some of them fare better than others. Hence, we go for the best candidate of the lot. When you have options, you pick the best,” he said.
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