Ezinne Akudo Anyaoha: I don’t think the world owes me anything - kubwatv

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Ezinne Akudo Anyaoha: I don’t think the world owes me anything

Ezinne Akudo Anyaoha is a Lawyer and former Miss Nigeria. She recently added another feather to her kitty when she was nominated as the Creative Director of the Miss Nigeria Pageant. In this interview with Yetunde Oladeinde, she tells you how it all started, life as beauty queen and more.
As a child you had some dreams? Was being a beauty queen part of those dreams?
Yes! As a child, I used to dream about being a beauty queen. But then I grew up and didn’t think it was anything that could happen. Then, I thought it can’t happen because you don’t know anybody and you don’t have money. Your parents are not really rich and all that. But then, my cousin pushed and pushed me to give it a trial. That was how it started and today the rest is history.
Let’s talk about your new role as Creative Director of the Miss Nigeria Pageant?
Personally, I am looking forward to picking a perfect queen. A girl that basically fits into the picture that we are projecting as a brand. We are looking for a female leader, someone that can take control and do the work. So, I am practically excited about this role.
You are looking for a leader but girls have talents in different areas. What exactly are you thinking about?
I don’t think that the word leader has to do with a particular talent or a particular field. A leader is a leader, and this cuts across in different ways. When someone is a leader and you walk into the place, when speak people would listen to you. So, that means that for you to speak to a set of people, you must know what to say and would definitely have your point’s right. A queen that is sure of herself, a queen that can do the work and not just about wearing pretty clothes and looking good.
We would be having Projects around six targets areas and she has to come up with Projects that she would execute. It is not an easy task but a queen that is capable would know what to do.
You went into the Law school 
as a beauty queen, what was the experience like? What are some of the memories?
In the beginning, I tried to keep it really private for a while. But, I recall that during the period that I was at the Law school, I wasn’t as busy as a queen. I also felt that because I was at the Law school and was preparing for my exams, I had to be much focused because nobody must hear that Miss Nigeria failed at the Law school. So, at the beginning, it was overwhelming but with time, it got better and they gave me some space to study and I studied hard.
What did you do after Law school? Did you practice?
I went for my Youth Service and worked with a Lawyer in a Law firm somewhere in Ogun state. Then I did my CDA at Ojodu, Berger. After my Youth Service, I went for my MBA and Masters in Admiration, which IO just finished last year in Scotland.
What were the other things that occupied your time after your tenure as Miss Nigeria?
I basically focused on my education because I needed to get that out. I also was running and still running a Non-Governmental organization, which supported victims of sexual violence. We offer counselling, medical assistance, rehabilitation and all the necessary support needed. So, that was something that I was also doing as well.
Tell us about some memorable moments as Miss Nigeria?
I think it was when I won. I think that was the most memorable for me just that experience was fulfilling, for me then. And there were so many people congratulating me constantly, reassuring me that I could do it.
What has changed about you? Do you still keep your old friends, those you were close to before becoming a queen?
Yes, I still do. Those are the friends that I still have till date, my friends are not up to six. I knew most of them even before going for the Miss Nigeria pageant.
Who or what influenced you while you were growing up?
My parents, both of them. But my dad came with his own package while my mum also had her own way of influencing us.
What are some of the lessons life has taught you?
I have two lessons actually. The first one is not to have any regret in life. I see everything as a learning experience. If something doesn’t work, you move on and then you can make something else to work better. The second one is to take responsibility for, myself. So, basically I am responsible for myself. I am not entitled. I don’t think the world owes me anything. I make a decision and whatever comes out of it, I take responsibility for it.
What defines your style?
I would say that my style is very simple, laid back, very chic and anything that is comfortable. I don’t like things that are very tight or short.
If you have to advise young people who want to be beauty queens, what would you tell them?
I would say that first, they need to be grounded in what they want to do. To be honest with you, my family played a major role and I am grateful to them. So, whenever I remember where I am coming from, there are some things that I would rather not do. If I remember that my mother is going to be watching me or that if something goes wrong, my mother is going to be worried or have heart attack because of it, I won’t do it. So, that also guides my attitude to things. To the young people who want to come into the sector, I would say just be grounded, remember where you are coming from and the reason why you are doing what you are doing. Remember the reasons why you are where you are and also remember where you want to be and then focus on that, focus on your journey and pay attention to people, watch how you talk people too. Just focus on your goal and don’t stop till you get there.
Tell us about the people you admire or your role models?
I love Chimamanda and Oprah Winfrey.
Chimamanda actually is someone that I really look up to. I love the way she speaks. I love the way she articulate her thoughts and I love her brand of feminism. For Oprah, I just love her for the hardworking woman, that she is.Chimamanda is a great writer.
Do you write as well?
Yes. I used to write a lot when I was in school. I hope to write some books in future. I used to write short stories and read a lot. I hope that by the time I turn 30, I would publish my first book.
Let talk about Nigerian designers today. How would assess them?
I think that Nigerian designers are good, they are trying. A lot of them are very creative. I love Jane Michael, Mason Otaru. Mason was actually the Miss Nigeria that was crowned before me. She made this outfit that I am wearing now. Also, I love Nonistic fashion, they have a number of items that are very creative. I must say that Nigerian designers are doing really well.
One area where Nigerian women are not making a headway these days is in politics. That interestingly is where they can function in a lot of leadership roles. Personally, are you thinking of going into politics in future?
Interestingly, while I was growing up, I thought I was going to run for the senate. But at the moment, I think I am distracted a bit, I am not sure about that now. Maybe with time, I will get back to that aspect of me. While I was in the university, I used to be in the student House representing my hostel. Then I was given the big jobs, I will draft the constitution, ratify members for appointment and all that. It was really fun. I went to Abia state university. I wasn’t the radical type but I have always been interested in processes. The experience has been very good.

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