Women Should Not Accept Mediocrity – Bakam - kubwatv

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Women Should Not Accept Mediocrity – Bakam

FAZENOTETV(FNTV) - Rachel Bakam is called the ‘Piper’ because whatever she does for humanity and which adds value to her country, gives her utmost joy. In this interview with Stellamaries Amuwa, she explains that a Piper plays the positive music of change and development.
How it started
I am a very passionate, well driven person. I started working when I was 9-years-old. At the time, I would buy some snacks and put them in front of the house for people to buy. I would bake meat-pie and teach kids in the neighborhood. I was in the girls’ brigade, active in church, a member of the youth fellowship, sister’s group, drama group, melody singers, etc.
I would look for a job in the supermarket, a recording studio, I just loved working. I always had that drive and zeal to earn money and add value. I studied as an actress, I call acting my first love.
I once worked in NTA. Thankfully, Wole Coker and Aunty Bola Oyeyemi encouraged me and helped me put together a segment which I titled ‘Trends.’ That was how my show started and my journey as a TV presenter began.
Would you say it has been a smooth sail all through?
This work I do owes me so much. In my line of work, I travel around the world and everywhere I find myself I try to promote Nigeria. You’ll find me teaching people how to tie the ‘gele’ and our African fabrics. Teaching them how to greet in Nigerian dialects too.
Where do you hope to see yourself in the future?
I hope to be seated in a position in this country where I can effectively make decisions that will impact positively on the people. You know, charity begins at home, so I will start from Southern Kaduna, there is so much to do there. There are over 60 ethnic groups in that region and yet nothing is going on there. Why can’t we have a heaven on earth there? With jobs, beauty, tourism and development?
Being a Northern woman, what would you say has been your challenge so far?
Being an entrepreneur in the north, I would say financing is usually the problem. The creativity is there but the business hub is in Lagos; that is where you get the adverts, and sponsorship. If you want to be in the lead in the north, you have to go the extra mile. That has been the only challenge. But we keep overcoming them every day.
What are your achievements and awards so far?
Earlier in my journey, when I went to visit the late professor Dora Akunyili, I saw hundreds of awards and I was wowed. I was inspired to achieve as much or even more. Now I have over hundred local and international awards. I got one from Amsterdam, ‘The African In Diaspora Merit Awards,’ one from London, ‘The Nigerian Entertainment Lifestyle Award,’ ‘The African Achievers Awards.’ I really appreciate the award bodies for honouring me in that way
What does fashion and style mean to you?
I believe in style. I anchored a programme called ‘Trends,’ and anchoring trends means you have to be stylish. Beauty stands out for me in everything in life. I love beauty. As long as it looks good, it does not have to be a big brand.
How do you unwind?
I am actually an introvert and I love being in my space. My bedroom is my best location spot. That is where I think and I love spending time with my mind. As humans, we create things in our minds before we make them physical. I like watching TV because I get a lot of inspiration. I love music and being around nature; where there is water and there are trees. You would hardly find me in a club.
Tell us about the brands you wear?
I wear made in Nigeria mostly. When you see them, you will never know they are made in Nigeria because they look international. I also have my own clothing line which is called Piper’s Dynasty. Sometimes I style myself. I love shoes so much.
Can you tell us about your family?
I am from Basam Fadiya in Zangon Kataf local government area in Kaduna State. I have a very beautiful family, starting from my mother. She is my mentor. She allows us to be expressive as kids. I have three wonderful brothers, two younger ones and an elder brother. One of them works with me, most of my lovely pictures were taken by him. He just graduated from Igbinedion University and his awaiting his youth service. The other is a TV presenter who anchors a show on Africa Magic Hausa. I have a son, a 9-year-old, his name is Oghenetega. My other family are my staff, whatever you see on TV is made possible by my team, without them it would have been impossible. Most importantly, my biggest mentor is God.
Where is your favourite tourist site in Nigeria?
There are so many beautiful places in the world, but the best place in Nigeria, is my favourite city, Kaduna and Abuja. After all the spotlight and razzmatazz, you will always want to come back home. I also appreciate our tourist spots like Obudu Cattle Ranch, Yankari and other lovely tourist spots.
What will you love to say to women?
I would love to tell women not to accept mediocrity. Do not be laid back and and give the excuse of being a woman so you will just get married and that is all. You need to think of ways to add value to your life.

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