Agbaje to empower local govts - kubwatv

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Agbaje to empower local govts

The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Governorship Candidate for Lagos State, Mr. Jimi Agbaje, has promised to empower the local government system to deliver service for the people of the state.
In a statement yesterday, Agbaje said that rather than a few people with vested interests determining who governed the state, the onus lay on the people to elect their leaders.
The statement reads in full as follows.
“In the months ahead, I will present a number of proposals which make up my vision and plans for Lagos State.
“I will also do my best to meet as many of you as possible and explain these plans, beliefs and convictions. On any occasion I will welcome your questions and do my best to answer them, so you will have no doubt of where I stand on issues important to you.
“In the meantime, here are some of these beliefs, plans and convictions.”
“Agbaje said he will not build another government from scratch. He said is a going concern will remain so.
“As governor, what I will do is use that exalted Office to make sure the government of Lagos State works for the people of Lagos State, minimising waste and focusing on areas critical to the welfare of all Lagosians.
“A few vested interests should and must not determine the person occupying Alausa. The fate and direction of everyone living in Lagos should be determined by all who live in this Great State.
“Who is to be imposed as governor of Lagos State isn’t important. What is very important is who the people of Lagos would want to be their governor.
“My government will be a government of minimal interference / influence so as to enable the free market flourish and run based on the forces of demand and supply.
“I will empower all arms of the government from the Local governments up. The Local government is crucial and must be the first point of call for Lagosians. We will promote a Lagos State accountable to the people.
He added: “Most of the job qualifications we attain from our higher education institutions are not the jobs needed today in Lagos State. There has to be a shift to Lagos specific requirements determining what is being encouraged as job qualifications in Lagos State. Thus we must have a Lagos that recognises what it needs and a Lagos that encourages qualifications in those areas, driven right through the educational system.
“For our teeming youth who have already passed through the system and still remain unemployed, your skills may be required in other places around the world. We would look at alternative means such as freelancing as a viable means of employment. This allows you to gain employment work in other countries but from the comfort of your own home in Lagos State. It is already happening and my government will expand this trend.
“My government will work with the business, labor, the financial world, and our educational system for the best brains available to modernize our Institutions and economy, eliminating waste and duplication.
“In the end, the Lagos this generation desires can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is ours.
“I thank you all and look forward to meeting as many of you as possible over the next few months.”

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