How my preaching against tithes rendered me poor, jobless – Freeze cries out - kubwatv

How my preaching against tithes rendered me poor, jobless – Freeze cries out

Controversial On-Air Personality (OAP), Daddy Freeze has cried out over his poor financial status since he began to preach against payment of tithes in churches.
According to him, since his ‘Free The Sheeple’ movement began, he had lost businesses, clients and opportunities.
”They fought me on every realm. I lost every business client, I used to MC a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 events monthly and I used to charge more than a million Naira per event. I haven’t MCed in 2 years.
”They went as far as trying to get me sacked from work so I can be without much of a ‘crown’ and ‘frozen’.

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