This are Six ways to win over your crush - kubwatv

This are Six ways to win over your crush


Increased heartbeat, sweaty palms, short breaths, skipping heartbeat and butterflies in the tummy. Sound familiar? These are probably what you feel when you see your crush coming and the feelings won’t just go away!
So what are you going to do about it? Continue to struggle with the butterflies?
I have an idea. How about you just win your crush over?
Scared? Skeptical? Take a deep breath and try these tips to win your crush over:
*Make a move: When I say make a move I mean put yourself out there. Come out from within the shadows and make yourself visible to your crush. Chances are that if you keep lurking in the shadows watching your crush’s every move that is where you will remain.  Talk to your crush, invite her to an event, say hi to him from time to time. That way, you don’t remain invincible to your crush but catch your crush’s attention.
*Be attentive: Just because you have finally gotten your crush’s attention doesn’t mean you should become insensitive at the expense of your crush. Listen to what he or she says. Make mental notes and act accordingly. For example, if your crush mentions that he likes dark chocolate, it would create an impression if you get him dark chocolate the next time you see him. If your crush says she forgets to lock her windows on her way out, it would be very thoughtful to remind her to.
*Maintain eye contact: So I know between the restless butterflies in your stomach and the skipping heartbeat, you are probably too shy to look at your crush. I tell you however, DO NOT look down or away when talking to your crush.
Maintain an eye contact with them to show your level of interest and confidence. Nobody wants to feel like a bother. Looking down would most likely give your crush the impression that you would rather be elsewhere.
*Do not be possessive: Being in contact with your crush does not give you the right to become possessive of him or her. Give your crush his/her space. Please do not overwhelm your crush with calls and texts in the name of being caring especially if your crush is not a fan of it.
Also, do not go about questioning why your crush was talking with another boy or girl as the case may be.  It’s really disgusting. It shows high levels of insecurity and immaturity.
*Be natural: I know the tendency to over impress your crush exists but you must not take it over board so as not to come off as a fake person. The more you want to impress, the more likely you are to exaggerate things you have done and things you can do.
This can make you come off as proud and be a hindrance to winning your crush over. Whatever you do, be natural; never fake it.
*Be bold about your feelings: For heaven’s sake do not wallow in silence; confess your feelings! Let your crush know what you feel if not, even though you might make an impression to your crush, he/she might think you are not serious about him/her.
Then all the moves you have made will  likely be in vain when John the bolder guy, confesses his feelings to her.
Warm regards,
Kehinde Oluwafisayo Matthew

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