What Church of Satan told Daddy Freeze about marriage vows - kubwatv

What Church of Satan told Daddy Freeze about marriage vows

The Church of Satan has reacted to a statement made by Nigerian OAP Daddy Freeze, where he stated that marriage vows are satanic.
He wrote: “For Christians, the scriptures say two became one. How can you become one with someone who can’t access your phone, email or bank details? HOW?
“Many of you are living separate lives while carrying a legal document to pronounce you a couple. That’s a huge joke on no one else but you.
“The fact that you got married in a religious shrine in front of a priest does not make you a married couple, as a matter of fact, you don’t need a priest or a church to get married.
“All vows are satanic, including marriage vows, Christ said so himself, when you see him, argue with him.
“Become one with your spouse today, or get a divorce, it’s as simple as that, stop leading another person into lust because of Godless religious traditions. ~FRZ”
But in a swift reaction, the Church of Satan took the to its verified Twitter handle to express disagreement with Daddy Freeze, saying they find his views contrary to their belief in Satan,
The church wrote: “Marriage is not for everyone, but Satanists can admit and take responsibility for their own positions.
“Sounds like Daddy Freeze is just trying to make excuses to get out of it (making marriage vows).”

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