Are You Heavily Pregnant? Try These Sleeping Positions To Help Keep Your Baby Safe

As an expectant mother, getting plenty of rest is important for both you and your baby. Your sleep position will affect the quality of the rest you get which can, in turn, affect your health.
Pregnant women can’t sleep like every other person without pregnancy for the sake of their baby. Every pregnant woman should also avoid sleeping on their stomach and back.
This post will show you the best and right sleeping position for a pregnant woman.
Have a look!

1.Propping Your Abdomen Up
The added weight of pregnancy can cause back pain in some women. Placing a pillow underneath your abdomen can help provide additional support to your body by reducing strain on your back, and should make it easier to sleep. There are special pregnancy pillows available that stretch from your stomach to your knees, making this position easier and more comfortable.
2.Sleeping On Your Left Side
Sleeping on your left side is considered the best position for expectant mothers. When you sleep on your left side, more nutrients and blood will reach the placenta as well as your baby. Although switching to the right side can be more comfortable, you don’t want to stay there too long as this position will put pressure on your liver.

3.Propping Your Upper Body Up
Pregnant women sometimes have trouble breathing while lying down. Use pillows to prop your upper body up a bit to help reduce the amount of pressure that you’re putting on your diaphragm. Doing so can also help to relieve heartburn, another symptom of pregnancy that some women experience.
4.Propping Your Bed Up
If you find yourself suffering from a lot of heartburn and propping your upper body up doesn’t work well for you, then consider having your bed propped up near the head so that it slants downward. Simply putting a few books under the feet at the head of the bed should do the trick.
This will help keep your stomach acids down, preventing them from going up into your oesophagus. Like how you feel when propped up in bed? Now may be a good time to look at an adjustable base if you want a more permanent solution.
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