Women and unending questions about the breast - kubwatv

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Women and unending questions about the breast

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MEN and children love womanly women. These are women rooted in home and family, women who are not chasing hares and hounds or are being chased by them. Such women know or intuitively sense why Mother Nature gave them breasts and are not found wanting in their use of them. Once every year, the World HEALTH Organisation (WHO), like those appreciating men and children, salute these women in the … WORLD BREAST FEEDING DAY.
I, too, would like to salute these women today, although I am a few weeks behind WHO’S schedule. My approach will be an attempt to answer those questions about breast-feeding and breast concerns that some women are seeking answers to. The first that came to my mind is: why do some babies hate their mothers breast milk, sometimes abruptly stopping breast-feeding two or three months after their birth when their mothers would have loved to go on breast-feeding them for, say, nine months or one year?
Some women do not produce enough breast milk. Others overproduce and would like to slow the flow. When a mother loses her baby before or after the birth, quite naturally she would like the milk to dry up so that, among other things, she can quickly place the experience behind her. The concern of small breast or sagging breasts must be as old as there must have been women on this earth. Today, most women psychologically suffer from low self esteem if they do not have buxom mammary glands to flaunt in coquetery. Women who do not have to grapple with inverted nipples are lucky women. Wilted or wilting nipples may cause some sleepness nights. Some babies suck aggressively, causing painful sores on nipples which become more sore and painful when they are offered to the sucking baby next time. For some women, their worry is how to overcome the embarrassment before a man of rough scars on the site (s) of a breast which did not heal clean after some lumps were surgically removed. One breast being significantly bigger than the other sends cold slivers down the spine. Also frightening is when, outside of pregnancy, one or both nipples begin to discharge fluid or milk, with or without tinges of blood. When lumps appears, even when they are not life-threatening, a woman may literally run from pillar to post. I learned a simple technique in HEALTH IN YOUR HANDS, by the most sought after physician in India when he lived, DEVENDRA VORA. He did not train as a medical doctor, but he became India’s most sought after healer, consulted by thousands of people every year. He ordered no laboratory tests. He just took the patients hand in his, ran his fingers over to feel topographic elevations and to watch out for expressions of pain. Wherever he picked either, he knew there was a problem with organ(s) of the body. Which corresponded to or had their terminal connections with that zone. He says with certainty on page 236 (vol. 1, 39th edition):
”How to detect cancer of breast mammography… press on the circle on the back of the right palm for right breast and left palm for left breast. If there is no pain when pressed, it means there is no cancer in the breast. Even if there is pain on this point, but no pain on point 16 of lymph gland at that time, it denotes there is no cancer. And just by giving treatment on those points on the back of palms the minor problem like accumulation of milk in the breast e.t.c will be cured. Only pain on the circle on the back of right palm and also on the point 16 of lymph gland denotes cancer degeneration in the right breast. In the same way, cancer in the left breast can be detected by pressing the circle on the back of the left palm and point No 16 of lympth gland. At that time, it is possible that, when pressed there will be pain on points Nos 11-16 of the sex glands.”
Literally, I froze for a while about two months ago when one of the men who distributes Devendora Vora’s books in Nigeria told me he had just passed on. The legacy he left behind is this….
”Though I am at present involved in international business, as for my desire, my second choice was to go in for the medical line. I had an abiding interest in Health science since my childhood, and I used to learn as much as I could about Health Science. My curiosity was amply rewarded in 1977 when I got an opportunity to study Health Science during my tour of the U.S.A. I came to know that the acupressure therapy was put to test in the U.S.A.
I went deep into it and found its roots in India as remote as 5,000 years ago. The chart of the sole given in this book is based on Natures’s own Science installed in our body and given as a great boon to mankind. Acupressure therapy was being followed by different forms in different countries and even the Red Indians in the 16th century cured diseases by pressing different points on the patient’s soles. Dr. William Fritzgerald and others of the U.S.A. have carried out research on the same and have brought this Science to light in the 20th century. This therapy is capable of solving the present world health problems and bestowing good health on all in just 10 years”
And, now, let’s quickly return to breast concerns….

Mum’s milk loathers

When a woman’s babies let go her breasts at, say, four or five months on the average, she should examine herself. It is possible her breast milk is toxic because her nature is. Dr. Emoto Masaru, of Japan, has taught us that water is intelligent and responds to our thoughts. He collected polluted water from a source and distributed it into different bottles on which he pasted different labels such as Jesus Christ, Nabuchadinezer, e.t.c. then, he photographed the crystal forms of the water in different bottles. Those with beautiful names formed beautiful patters and those associated with ugly conceptions formed ugly crystals. He also tried labels on which polite requests such as please help me and commanding instructions such as help me ! were written. The crystalline forms again formed according to the content of the words. Next, he fried music….  Pop, classical e.t.c. Classical music gave the most beautiful results, as the water in different bottles responded to sound in music. For us humans whose bodies are 75 percent to 80 percent water content, the crystalline forms of the water content of our bodies would form according to the quality of our thought, the words we utter and the music or the sounds we are exposed to,  going by Dr. Samaru’s experiments. Breast milk water content is about 88 percent. If the crystalline forms of this water component is defiled, who can blame a baby who, sensing the defilement rejects the milk? I cannot easily forget the reactions. I have seen in babies who are being breastfed by their mothers when these women shout suddenly or express sudden outbursts of anger. The babies would immediately abandon the feeding and look straight into their mother’s eye, as if to be sure that she is alright.
 Poor milk flow
 Different spanners may be in the works. The causes may range from dehydration and poor circulation generally to hormonal deficiencies and blockages of the meridian which supplies energy to the breasts. Subluxations of the spinal column may also affect nerves which facilitates communication between the brain and the breasts. Caregivers like Dovendora Vora help this condition with acupressure. These healing art believes man is not the physical body he refers to, for example, when he says ”my hand” or ”my head”!! the owner of that hand or head is the in-dwelling human spirit or human being, that bundle of energy who animates the mind physical body or cloak through certain interfacing channels called the ”meridians”.
A meridian is, thus, like an electricity cable. If the meridian is blocked, a sort of traffic jam occurs. Organs up front receive no energy and begin to ail and perform their functions suboptimally. Organs downstream i.e those before the blockage are engorged with, and drown in a pool of energy. Accupressure clears the blockage and restores normalcy. Some hospital cases of breasts producing low amounts of milk are easily traced to needle punctures on the sites of meridians when the women were given electrolytes in drips. Once the necessary acupressure massage is done, milk flow is restored in larger quantum.
In herbal medicine, lactation can be improved with the use of galactagogue herbs. These herbs promote flow of breast milk in lactating women. Among them are Fenugreek, Alfalfa, Milk thistle, Fennel, Brewers yeast, Red Raspberry leaves and Anise seed.
Traditionally, Fenugreek is more known for reducing elevated blood sugar, that is diabetes, and for liquidising phlegm. But it is considered safe in lactation where low blood sugar is not an issue. Milk thistle earns name as a milk, although healthcare givers know it more as a hepaprotective, that is as an armour for the liver against the worst of poisons that may damage it. Fennel has a digestive system and good vision reputation in addition to its valuable work in the breast.
Many women hate the smell and taste of Garlic. Yet it improve milk taste and the baby’s appetite, even if it does not overly improve milk production.

Too much milk

In some breasts, milk flows as water runs in a tap without a control. Brassaires and top dresses are soiled and changed too often. In some cases, it isn’t a case of overflowing. The woman just doesn’t want the milk anymore. It is either that there had been a still birth or the baby died so on after birth. If there is more milk than the baby can suck or if there is no baby to suck milk which flows normally, the extra unsucked milk may produce a back-up in the breast which, in turn, would produce heaviness, pain and even an infection over time. Thus, it is often expressed through the aid of a breast pump in a process that may be painful, and thrown away. There are herbs, however, which may help slow the production rate or dry up the unwanted milk. These include Black walnut, Chick weed which also has a good reputation in eczema care, especially the itchy type, Lemon balm, Oregano, Parsley and peppermint. It would appear more members of the mint family are in this, and that should qualify Basil for a trial.
 Small, sagging breast
 For many women with small breasts, small is not beautiful. It is double jeopardy if the small breasts sag in addition to its diminutive size. In the 1980s, the proprietary blend of breast growth herbs named GREAT CURVES sold like Indomie noddles. These days, I am told BREAST ANGEL has a  field day. We are in the province of breast stimulating herbs like, again, fenugreek, saw palmetto berries, Fennel, Wild yam, Black cohosh, Red clover  and, maybe, Elecampane. I saw ”maybe” because I have lost touch with the core functions of this female reproductive organs herb.
As stated earlier, Fenugreek tackled elevated blood sugar and phlegm. Add to it high blood cholesterol, and then breast sensitisation to estrogen, a major female hormone. From several studies, many small breasts are small either because the consumption of too much refined sugars disturbs the pituitary gland, which controls the orchestra of the endocrine glands, or because they are insensitive to estrogen, to which, for reasons best known to them, they keep their doors and windows locked. Fenugreek is, nowadays, a leading factor in breast enhancement formulas because it contains phytoestrogens which bind easily and safety to estrogen receiptors in breast tissue.
This way, it promotes the production of prolactin, the hormone which stimulates milk production, and, besides, stimulates estrogen production. Fenugreek may be taken as a pill or the powder may be made into a paste which is massaged into the breast. The massage may be done, also, with Fenugreek oil. Saw palmetto berries may come as a shock find in a woman’s cosmetic box because, since the 1980s, it has been used by men in the shrinking of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (friendly enlarged prostate). It is rich in zinc, which is good for fertility in men and women as it is for the growth and health of their genitalia. It has, also, a rich store of essential fatty acids (EFAs). Ancient Maryans, it is now known, used it for breast disorders. Even early American botanists found that animals which ate Saw Palmetto berries were stronger and had well developed, strong muscles. New discoveries suggest it is rich in phytonutrients which stimulate breast tissue and increase breast size.
Fennel is like Fenugreek to breast tissue. It is often added to lotions for breast massage. Some people vonch that the tea more effective than the message.
We cannot forget Wild yam (not tuber of yam, please). It is for women, what Saw palmetto berries is to men. That is to say the breast is its core function zone. Useful for pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal questions, a 1950 study found it contains a phyto-estrogen called DIOSGENIN, which may convert to progesterone, another important female hormone Arguably, the American Red Indians gave the world Black cohort. They used it traditionally for menopaused challenges like hot flashes and cold spells. Alcohol is contra-indicated during Black cohort therapy. Too much of it may cause dark urine, abdominal pain and liver damage. Any one with kidney or gall bladder stones may keep away from Red Clover, one of the richest plant sources of Isoflavianes, an estrogen like substance which promotes large and firm breasts. In addition, Red clover offers Genistan, another phyto (plant) estrogen which binds to receptors of estradiol, an estrogen fraction in breast tissue. It addresses as well menopausal questions.
Outside cosmetic surgery to correct this nipple which turns upwards, a herbal medicines cure is a tall order, in my view. But there are many devices which may ease the difficulties of breast-feeding. Sore, infected nipples. It is rare to find a breast feeding woman who does not experience sore and tired nipples and even nipple breaks, and infections. Even the thick rubber nipples of feeding bottles do break and are replaced. We cannot replace human nipples, and, so, have to look after them. I used Aloe vera gel during the breast feeding of my first child, but stopped it when my wife and I discovered it ran the bowels of our son. We changed to calendula (marigold), oil or cream. There are many options on today’s market. Colloidal silver is one of them. It is a broad spectrum agent and wound healer. zinc powder is available, also. So is Aloe First, a proprietary formula. It comes in a spray can with a trigger to activate the spray. For any wound, including even the worst of surgical injuries you can go to sleep after spraying it on. Often, the injury heals without a scar. It worked well for one of my sons who came back from school with a pus- filled hand which had to be drained in hospital. Back from work every evening, I would remove hospital dressing carefully, pump Aloe first on the wound and replace the dressing. Skeptical doctors at JUNE ONE hospital on OPEBI  Road were amazed at the speed with which the injury healed. Aloe first helped the mother for one of my female staff at The Comet newspaper who somehow, had frying oil poured on her breast. The burns healed without a scar. Broken nipples may benefit, also, from dressing with pure honey. So can they from mark Trenben Bitters. The armoury is inexhausable.
When broken nipples cause colds, fevers, pain, garlic and Echinacea are safe recipes. Olive leaf extract, a powerful antibiotic, does wonders as well. Black seed oil is available in Nigeria now. So is propolis in tablet, spray or gel form. How can we forget good, old coconut Oil. The lauric acid it brings kills all sorts of germs, including those who cause opportunistic intestinal ailments in HIV conditions. I remember and salute vitamin E, Shea butter, Olive oil etc.

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